entrance so I could get Judy in without her having to pay the cover charge. We sat down at a table close to the stage and had a drink. I told the wait- who was also an impersonator that Judy's drinks were on me for


the evening. I told Judy I'd see her later and went backstage.

I told the girls that the brunette sitting alone was my guest so they wouldn't make any jokes about her being by herself. The show went very well. After the final act, I took Judy backstage and introduced her to the girls. She complimented us all on our performances and we left. We stopped at the Diner on the way home for a bite to eat. As we ate, Judy said that several customers near her had discussions as to whether or not I was really a man. She said she wanted to tell them that she knew I was, but thought she ought to keep quiet. I told her she had done right, as it was the uncertainty in their minds that kept some of them coming back. Others came because they liked the entertainment, while others came to heckle and ridicule us. Most of us had stock answers for the hecklers that would cut them down to size in a hurry.

As I bid Judy good-night, she said she would call me in two days as she had to be a business lady the next day.

I dawdled over my coffee the next morning, engrossed in deep thought about Judy. Slowly, the words I was seeking began coming into focus and I knew now that I could start telling Judy about myself. I retouched my nails and tried to remember her hints as I put on my makeup. Tonight I decided on an apple green A-line dress and black accessories. I looked sharp as a fashion plate when I left for work.

The girls at the Club swamped me with questions about my new girl friend. I answered in generalities and changed the subject by commenting again on how she had liked the show.

Judy called early the next afternoon and said she was coming right over. I put on a fresh pot while I waited for her. She showed no surprise that I was again wearing just a robe and slippers. She was carrying the largest handbag I had ever seen.

We had coffee then went into the bedroom. She laid out some para- phernalia and said, "Well, let's get started. This is going to take a long time." She studied my eyebrows for a few minutes then asked me to put on a wig. I did, and she said, "That's better." She picked up the electr- lysis probe. "May I talk while you work?” I asked. “Nope," she replied, "you talk when I'm not using the probe." She worked on my eyebrows